WoW Classic: tips and tricks for beginners

So, completely new beginners to World of Warcraft Classic here? Don’t worry, in this guide, we’ve compiled our best tips and tricks, not only help you avoid some growing pains, but also make the first steps of your journey a little easier.
Pick the realm:
Choosing a good server is critical to your long-term enjoyment of WoW Classic, as the only way to change servers is to either start a new character or pay for a character transfer.
If you’d like to fully experience the world at your own pace, only worrying about the dangers Azeroth itself has to offer, maybe a Normal realm is more your thing. But if you want what many consider to be the true Classic experience — be that a tough, drawn-out battle with a member of the Alliance you’ve stumbled across while questing or hiding from a high-level Hordie who’s hunting you down — then maybe a PvP server is more for you.
Pick the character:
You should really pick the race that resonates with you the most. You’ll be staring at this character and watching them run around for 60 levels and beyond, and it will become the face that other players recognize you by. Even if you aren’t going for a Roleplaying server, you should stick with a race that you will generally enjoy playing as — and not just because they can break out of fear or get a small bonus to weapon skills!
If you really wish to push your abilities to the limit by using the best racial abilities for each class — consider what your class weakness is, and which racial abilities help overcome this.
Save the gold:
WoW Classic Gold is the main in-game currency, it allows you to buy gear upgrades, mounts, bags, materials, and so much more. However, it’s way harder to earn Classic WoW Gold in WoW Classic — Hours of farming or weeks of Auction House flipping are the main options for Gold making. Just so you know, everything in WoW Classic is more expensive, and everybody is constantly broke. Becoming rich in Classic WoW is quite an achievement.
So it’s pretty easy to frivolously run around spending gold on every item or ability that catches your eye, but you have to save it. If you want to play smart, only buy the abilities from trainers that look useful or fun, loot every single enemy you kill to sell their drops, and don’t spend a tonne of money on gear you could make yourself or receive from a quest reward.
Buy a mount:
Mounts are very expensive, the level 40 Riding Skill costs 100 Gold to learn and the level 60 Riding Skill costs whooping 1000 Gold. But in Classic WoW, making it to level 40 with enough gold in your bank to pluck a starter mount off the lot was a difficult task.
But we all want to brag in Classic by owning an Epic mount, so I think the best tip for you is to find a reliable 3rd-party trade website to buy cheap wow classic gold. is such a place for you to buy wow classic gold. This site is SSL verified and offer PayPal payment. Not only is it safe, but it has the cheapest price on the whole market and they deliver really fast.
Focus on leveling:
Leveling is an inherent part of WoW Classic, and it takes a long time. There are not enough quests to level up with, so Players are forced to grind mobs to supplement questing. Quests are rather long and repeatable, most of them being the kill & gather type with very low drop chances.
Leveling is difficult, too. Players are weak compared to mobs they are meant to fight. Fighting against two mobs at once is very hard, and having three attacking you at once is almost certain death. Gear rewards are not that good, so any gear upgrade feels important, and visibly improves your power.
Rab a profession:
When you get to a major city like Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, etc. — find a profession trainer and get to work. I recommend grabbing at least one gathering profession. That would be Herbalism, Mining, or Skinning. You can hold two professions, so try to pair your gathering profession with a crafting profession.
Crafting is useful in the late game, but it’s also a powerful tool for making money. Not only can you sell some more powerful items to other players for a big payday, but you can sell materials or weaker items to innkeepers. If you skin a raptor and turn that raptor into shoes, the shoes will sell more than the skins, and crafting them will level up your Leatherworking. It’s an endless circle that you should jump on as quickly as you can.
Value the First Aid:
In WoW Classic, First Aid was one of the most important assets in anyone’s arsenal. If your characters are weak, and health pools took a long time to refill. So, by actively leveling up your bandaging ability, you were able to tide yourself over much more efficiently after having a nasty run-in with a Defias bandit in Westfall.
It wasn’t even exclusive for DPS classes either. Druids, Paladins, Priests, and Shamans also kept their First Aid skill healthy, despite the fact that they could sew up wounds with mana. In fact, several high-end guilds straight up requiring people in their fold to have a capped First Aid skill. So don’t sell off that Linen Cloth! It’s more valuable than you can imagine.
Don’t be alone:
WoW Classic encourages you to interact with other players, it’s downright necessary at all stages of the game. There are many quests you simply cannot complete on your own, and unless you have friends online, you’re likely going to end up asking in zone chat for someone else on the same quest to help.
Whether you’re looking for a group for a low-level dungeon like Ragefire Chasm, stuck on a quest wandering aimlessly, or need to find a mage to conjure up some free food or water. The game feels much more alive than many of its more modern counterparts, and it’s one of the most beautiful things about the Classic experience.
Well, hope these tips and tricks of WoW Classic are helpful to you!