I am really curious why you believed this was a great idea? The leveling neighborhoods in all brackets, 10–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, and 50–59 were all active and extremely enjoyable. By splitting them into two groups there are just insufficient individuals queuing up to have successful and active battlefields at these levels now.

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With the intro of AB queue times were currently going to get even worse, as when in one big battlegroup, it effectively divided the player base into 2 BGs. This was understood, and accepted, as all of us wanted AB and WSG. Today, the community is split even further by cutting in half again into the east and west.
Just for example, now at off-peak hours, queue times will probably be longer than an hour. It’s currently having a visible effect. I have actually played 2 BGs considering that this change went live, both were 3–0 stomps with alliance AFKing GY the entire time since they were down 3, and 5 players each game respectively.
But if we were in one large battlegroup, it would have been a possibly enjoyable, close video game with a complete 10v10 on each side. Actually, within an hour after the patch, the unfavorable results are currently being experienced, with AB release this will only amplify the effect and queue times.
Even right now as I type this, I am on horde east. 30–45 minute queue time. Speaking with Alliance on the west coast in discord, they have actually been in line for over an hour.
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If we were all in the very same one big battlegroup — we would be playing right now. However, instead — nobody plays and all of us sit in line. The worst and most confusing part about this is it could have been totally avoided if the devs simply thought about it a little more, numerous suggestions were already published including utilizing static holiday times such as 12 AM PST/3 AM EST, or server particular holiday benefits, etc. But splitting the community in two? It just feels like the most affordable, the easiest way out for you guys without considering your player base.
Blizzard, please revert this change to a minimum for the sub-60 gamers so we do not have exceptionally long queue times and we can keep our neighborhoods together.
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