WoW Classic: Gates Of Ahn’Qiraj Is Coming Next Month

Following recent testing on the PTR, Blizzard recently announced the release date for Phase 5 of WoW Classic, in the meantime, the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj questline becomes available. It will unlock on July 28 when the weekly raid reset occurs, opening a new quest chain.
What is Ahn’Qiraj?
Ahn’Qiraj was opened for the first time in the realm Medivh on January 23, 2006, and has been opened on most, if not all, other realms since. Opening the gates is a process spanning weeks or even months that requires the cooperation of hundreds of players from all races and factions, involving monsters and quests from all corners of the world map.
The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj are sealed by powerful magic, and to open them, an elite guild must brave a number of trials to reconstruct a long-lost artifact: the Scepter of the Shifting Sands. This scepter can open the walls, but behind them a mighty Qiraji army lays in wait. To repel it, the combined military might of both the Alliance and Horde must be ready outside the wall, and to be ready a great number of supplies must be gathered — food, bandages, metals and herbs. Once all is ready, the player who holds the Scepter can open the gates, and the Ahn’Qiraj War can begin.
What does Gates Of Ahn’Qiraj means to players?
For those who didn’t play World of Warcraft back then, the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj was one of WoW’s most ambitious events ever — still towering over everything since. So it is really a excited thing for players that they will relive the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj world event on July 28. At that time, thousands race will be the first to open the titular gates and unleash a horde of angry monsters on Azeroth.
What do you need to know before the Gates Of Ahn’Qiraj coming?

Donating Crafting Materials:
The Ahn’Qiraj war effort tasks players with donating crafting materials to prepare for the eventual war with the Qiraji, a race of evil insectoids that are locked away in the zone of Silithus. Amassing this stockpile is basically a race between server communities to see who can complete the world event first.
Restoring The Scepter of the Shifting Sands:
It involves a long series of quests that will require the efforts of a well-coordinated raiding guild, supported by other top guilds within a faction. Because of the reputation requirements of a certain farming quest, one player from each side will typically be designated as that faction’s scepter-bearer.
Quest Rewards:
This quest-line can be completed after the initial war has ended and the gates are open, and all rewards but the final mount (which can only be received during the 10-hour war event) are accessible. Here’s a list of the quests that give rewards.
Red Shard Line:
Neutral 15 [60R] Nefarius’s Corruption gives
[Onyx Embedded Leggings] or [Amulet of Shadow Shielding]
Blue Shard Line:
Neutral 15 [60R] Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops gives
[Recipe: Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops] and 20 [Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops]
Neutral 15 [60R] The Only Prescription gives
[Gnomish Turban of Psychic Might]
Neutral 15 [60R] The Wrath of Neptulon gives
[Band of Icy Depths] or [Darkwater Robes]
Green Shard Line:
Neutral 15 [60R] The Nightmare Manifests gives
[Drake Tooth Necklace] or [Drudge Boots]
Completed Scepter:
Neutral 15 [60] Treasure of the Timeless One gives
[Fang of Korialstrasz] or [Shadowsong’s Sorrow] or [Ravencrest’s Legacy] or [Runesword of the Red]
Neutral 15 [60] Bang a Gong! gives
[Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal] and Scarab Lord title
Gathering War Supplies:
Both Alliance and Horde players must work together to gather war supplies for the combined army of the two nations. Co-operation is key to the success of each server. This stage of the gate opening can easily last several months due to the number of supplies that must be gathered, as well as competing against other servers in a race to start the event before the others.
Once those quests are completed, the wielder of the Scepter can then ring a gong which will open the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj, triggering a 10-hour war that the entire server can participate in while hardcore raiders will slip through the battle to test their mettle in the two new raids.
The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj questlines will become available on July 28. For more info on World of Warcraft Classic, check out our official website