Try fishing in WoW Classic SoD
If you’re a long-time classic wow player you’re probably incredibly familiar with WoW items such as Winter Squid and its cooking recipe Grilled Winter Squid. I’ll tell you that fishing in-game will bring you a lot of WoW Classic SoD Gold!
Why does this matter?
With the way SoD is structured, it means unless you’re willing to invest currently in a Big Iron Fishing Pole, which is only available at a very low drop chance in the cages off the coast of Desolace you cannot catch these. The Hinterlands Nat Pagle +25 Pole and the Arcanite Fishing Pole +35 are not available this phase making the Ol’ reliable Big Iron the only access to them.

You will not be able to fish in Winter Squids’ most populated zone, Azshara, w.o the pole and an Aquadynamic Fish Attractor (Azshara is also home to Stonescale Eel which is used in Stonescale Oil which is a component in Flask of the Titans). However, I think Blizzard will have new alchemy stuff at 60 so I’m unsure on the speculation of flask pricing at this time but that’s beside the point.
I want to point out a few things that support my current thinking that winter squid will pop off a little more then normal compared to other classic servers.
WoW has never been leveling phase locked, meaning Azshara fishing is obnoxious to get to.
The SoD team has largely ignored cooking and fishing so far and I don’t see a reason for them to introduce new recipes sub level 60 SoD phase at this point.
The prices of Spider Sausage was HUGE for the first week of the new phase and was easily farmable by any spec and dropped off kills and not gate kept by profession skill. ( I made 250+ G week one from this)
Starting the beginning of phase 3 Nightfin Soup will be available and early fishers will cash out on this very quickly as it is the mana users food of choice, however you will not need the Big Iron for these.
Most servers are selling the pole from 10/15/20/25g ATM but I expect the price to rip up to 30/35 the closer we get to the march 20th cut off.
I also want to iterate this is all pure speculation however if history repeats itself as it often does then this is a good chance for a lot of people without the biggest amount of time to put a huge dent into their epic mount costs way ahead of the level 60 phase just by cracking open a couple cold beers and talking with the homies a couple hours a week at night while you’re shootin the shit doing nothing anyways.