The Easiest Way To Farm TBC gold

Severus Snape
7 min readMay 7, 2021


Doing gold farming is a major part of TBC preparations. So how much gold do you need for TBC? Well, some people think 10k is a nice number to hit, it will set up nicely for the start of TBC, and gets epic flight and an extra few thousand for other things. But you’re gonna need gems/enchants (another 1k easily), BoE/profession mats (another 5k easily unless you self-gather), then you’ve got raid consumes and whatnot, and/or possibly things like Darkmoon cards to potentially take some more out of the pot. So yeah, if you decided to get to 25k TBC gold or more, it will cover consumes etc for a fair while.

Now that many players have been struggling with TBC gold farming lately, especially in high populated servers. You got the raiding expenses and, mostly everything you need to buy is expensive. Do you want to find out the easiest way to farm gold at the moment for many different classes?

Let’s start with the hunter.

If you don’t already know, DMT buffs are needed by all raiders. And because of world buffs and song flower included in the mix, it takes down your buff timers to get them all. If you do not plan your routes properly, players want their buffs as soon as possible without burning the durations of other buffs. So DMT buffs are highly in demand. The only class that can solo DMT is the hunter. With that, you can sell the buffs and make a lot of TBC gold.

Now I’ll go through the key points on how to properly clear DMT to make it super safe for your buyers. without them having to get killed in the process by an eye the scavengers or the hounds. You don’t want a player who’s got all the buffs coming in the empty, and dies by accident that will cause a lot of negativity and drama. Now you would need these items: invisibility pot, large sea forum charge, and be engineering. Just in case, you will also need two more items: frost oil and thorium widgets to trap a specific guard- Slipkick.

Now obviously the beginning is pretty easy to do as a hunter, I will speed the process a bit. Once you reach the gate and open it, there start the key points I need to explain. You got two eyes that roam beyond the gate. What you can do is either avoid the eyes which will increase your time to clear the empty, or kill the eyes to stay safe until you’re reaching above. So just kill them if you are not experienced with swallowing DMT. The eye stake 15 minutes to respawn, so do not worry about time because it’s a one-time thing before you start selling and making money. After you kill the second eye, set your timer on to know when you hit the 15-minute count. Go upstairs with the invisibility pot.

After you open the second gate, continue the normal way until you start the king fight. Now be aware of the hound patrol, because you want to keep them alive. The reason you want the hounds alive is, if the king dies, while the hounds are still alive, they will be non-aggressive, and it will be safe. Now when your time hits 15 minutes to wait for the eyes to respawn, you can begin the fight. Now of course you can start before the timer hits 15 minutes, but just to make it clear and not complicate things, you don’t want to kill the king before the eyes respawn.

After you are done killing the king, do not take the buff because you’ve got other stuff to do before that. You should go right to captain crum and speak to him, then you will have four rivers two upstairs and two downstairs you will have to kill. Pull the reavers in front of the captain, and kite them in the same area you killed king, or you can just go around any pathway you see back there. After that, pull the two reavers downstairs, don’t worry about the eyes, because as I explained, killing king while the eyes are spawned will make them friendly. Also, when you are pulling the two reavers downstairs, watch out for slip kick, in case you do any mistake(you don’t want to die). After you are done killing the reavers, take the king buff to open your tribute chest loot. Whatever you want go down, and then you will need to trap slip kick. There is a frost drop, probably you’ve seen it a million times, you would need the two items I told you about: frost oil and widget. Turn in the quest, and he will get trapped once he stands on it. So after you trap, make sure to kill the scorpions, and then you will be done with everything. After that, start posting your servers in the world chat and the dm channel, see the number of people joining.

You also need to remember that timing is key while doing this process, in case you have a lot of free time, you can just stay semi-afk and keep posting until you find people whispering to you. You can also do a macro that will automatically invite people.

Now the money you will make is 7 gold per person, maybe if there is a lot of competition, you can decrease that to five gold if you want, but just stick to seven gold because five people are the maximum a group, so a lot of sellers will have full groups. And people don’t want to be in a queue, so you will find a lot of buyers anyway. Sell for 7 gold every 10 minutes, four people, do the math. And if you want to speed up the process, escort them with aspects of the pack. That is lots of gold to make. You can literally semi-afk and make gold out of nothing.

The second way of farming is if you have a mage. There are many ways to make TBC gold as a mage.

First, you can sell dungeon boosts for good money. A lot of players are leveling alts and they are boosting their characters. If you are a fresh 60 mage with mediocre gear,you can boost them rfc to sm comfortably.

Second, you got zulfarak maradone and zulgoro. But you will need at least a full tier, 1 level of gear to do that comfortably. You can even tweak things up and form a group who want consistent boosts for an hour plus, so you don’t waste time reinviting new players every time someone leaves, that’s a top gold maker as a mage.

The third way is by any class, but you would need herbalism for this guide, what you will do is farm as sam grave yard library and armory for two specific herbs, fade leaf and grave moss, which are needed to make shadow oil for shadow protection potions very expensive. If you don’t have alchemy, you can just sell the herbs. If you have alchemy on a character, then make them and sell for more TBC gold, the process is you start with graveyard, or library whichever you prefer, go pick up the herbs and then move to the next system, until you finish all three.

After that, what you need to do is reset and repeat. You can only reset five times per hour, so do it quickly until you get locked, then switch to another TBC gold farming process, that will increase your gold per hour. You can set your hearthstone in eastern plague lands. After you get locked, you hear a stone and continue herbing and plaguelands, then after the instances unlock right back to assam time your route that before it unlocks, you will be herbing in western plaguelands, which is close to assam, have your time set always to maximizethe outcome, in an hour or two you will make at least 150 gold from that, and that’s on a high server, plus it depends on the time of the server.

Don’t expect to find lots of herbs during peak time, then complain about not getting anything, always know your server times and all that stuff if you are in peak times, and you don’t want to hurt outside, you can do another thing which will lead us to the fourth way, so the fourth way is instead of setting
your hearthstone and plaguelands, set it in arathi highlands, there you will find the spot that has a lot of water elementals, you can farm elemental water for frost protection potions, highly expensive as well, you will find people there but most of the time it’s empty.

Those are all the easiest ways to farm TBC gold consistently, not only they are good for gold farming, they are as well easy for anyone to do. Well, if you are not satisfied with them, you can easily visit our site called SSEgold and order cheap TBC Classic Gold to become unbeatable in-game!



Severus Snape

Who says Hogwarts professor can’t play video games?