Best Lost Ark Class

Severus Snape
2 min readApr 28, 2022


How to find the best Lost Ark class? With a total of five main classes and fifteen advanced classes, picking your favorite isn’t easy. Let’s pick the best one for you in this Lost Ark class guide!

1. Deathblade — One of the most powerful duelists in Lost Ark, the Deathblade is here to reign down vengeance. With a large number of dashes and quick slicing abilities, this class is perfect for anyone who wants to get into the middle of a fight.

2. Sorceress — This spell-slinger is all about dealing tons of damage with her expertise in the world of magic. Though she’s incredibly squishy and easy to target in PVP, her wide, versatile kit makes up for her shortcomings.

3. Paladin — A support needs to protect allies and the Paladin excels in this role. But unlike a lot of squishy supports in other games, the Paladin can dish out damage as well as take it.

4. Gunslinger — An incredibly versatile class, the Gunslinger is a high damage DPS that can be useful close-range, mid-range, and long-range. It can be a challenge to learn the Gunslinger playstyle, but it offers a lot for those who master her moves.

5. Bard — A support class with an ear for rhythm, the Bard is a pro with AoE skills. Through her clear isn’t as strong as some of the other classes on the list, the Bard makes up for it with her supportive rhythm of defensive buffs.

6. Striker — A martial arts class that has a lot of aerial attacks and is quick to the punch. This class requires making all the proper steps to execute the best combos, which can make it a more difficult class for beginners.

7. Berserker — The berserker has the highest damage of the warrior classes, but it also comes with the lowest defense of the warriors. This makes the class great for DPS, but not the most ideal tank.

Did you find your perfect class in Lost Ark? If not, just come to BuyLostarkGold to find more info! Have fun while slashing, dodging, and shooting your way through Lost Ark!



Severus Snape

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