Best class in WoW Classic Burning Crusade
Blizzard has announced that the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic will officially launch on June 1, 2021! When you are trying to step into the WoW Classic Burning Crusade, it’s important to pick the right class if you are trying to pursue PVP. Because there are not going to be so many balancing changes that happen throughout the expansion, and TBC the meta change is based on items gear for certain classes. They scale better with gear or maybe a specific weapon that kind of changes the gameplay for the class.
So which class should you play in WoW Classic TBC? What’s the best class in TBC? Let’s check it out.
- Restoration Druid
Druid is a class that I’m really looking forward to in WoW Classic TBC.
And Restoration Druid is the king in the TBC Arena. It offers a little bit of everything including strong and effective healing over time, multiple forms of crowd control, survivability, and damage. And it has been greatly improved in PVE, and 1 heal over time spell limit has been removed in the expansion, which means that multiple Rejuvenations can stack. It is difficult to stick to a well-versed Druid and it is almost impossible to drain its mana. This talent has the ability to outheal, outrun, and outgun its opponents.
2. Subtlety Rogue
Rogues will have a mixed experience in TBC, one that may lack in comparison to Vanilla WoW. Rogues in TBC will not be the chart topping threats players may remember from Vanilla, but thrive in the Arena environment with their control and burst. In the end, though, an unfriendly expansion to melee DPS feels even harder on Rogues.
And Subtlety Rogue has one of the most versatile toolkits in Arena with an endless stream of crowd control and damage but also survivability. The spec is flexible in a number of top-tier comps, combined with classes like Mage, Warlock, Druid, Priest, Warrior, and Hunter. It’s one of the most sought-after specs in Arena for its overwhelming strength.
3. SL/SL Warlock
Warlocks will be neck and neck as the premiere DPS choice in The Burning Crusade with Hunters, and offer a ton of premium utility that raids can’t pass up on like Health Stones, Banish, Portals, Soul Stones, and more. Each Warlock spec offers something in the talent tree — and with the debuff limit practically removed entirely, Warlocks are now free to DOT as they please. Warlocks will take advantage of this throughout TBC, pushing into Affliction to make it count before rounding out with other specs in later tiers.
And SL/SL Warlock, a hybrid between Affliction and Demonology, is another high-caliber, high-skill spec. It has the damage output needed to perform at the highest level in form of damage over time abilities, but it also has a purge, a silence, a dispel, Healthstones, and more. Like Druid and Rogue, the class has everything it needs to thrive Arena.
Okay, these are just my recommendations. You can do whatever you want to do if you’re purely focused on PVP. You can pick a top-tier class keep in mind the game isn’t as flexible as it was in some of the later expansions. But there is some comp flexibility there and you can have a lot of fun just playing a niche comp if you’re interested in PvE or world content. Don’t forget that SSEgold can offer you the cheapest TBC Gold!